Prophecy is manifestation.

‘Energy flows where intention goes.’

This article is one of those, what’s-on-my-mind articles. It isn’t like a niche topic or something like a guide. The phrase ‘Prophecy is Manifestation’ has been on my mind for some time now. The first time I heard this, I was in high school. It was during a routine catholic mass and this priest shows up and says this. I didn’t fully understand it at the time…I was younger and not as perceptive. But even then, I remember thinking that what he said was powerful. Today, right now, I understand it more than ever. I do believe in manifestation. Not the kind of manifestation where you manifest a million dollars or manifest a vacation. I’ve always been a little skeptical about that kind. I believe in the kind of manifestation that is a product of prophecy.

Prophecy means seeing the future; speaking the future into existence. And if you’ve read the Bible, you know that everything that was prophesied came true. It wasn’t a matter of chance or guesses. It was almost like whatever was spoken, had no choice but to manifest in reality. During that mass, the priest said it in a way that I’ll never forget. He said, ‘Whenever you speak, you already are.’ And whether you’re religious or not I hope this is something you can understand. Prophesying over yourself is the most important thing you’ll ever do. There’s this podcast I listened to last week by Janell Roberts, here’s the link to the episode, . And this is how she put it. She asks, ‘Do you write scriptures for yourself?’ She describes it as telling the world exactly who you are. And I thought about this and I decided that it is a practice that I will incorporate on a daily basis. What words do I speak over myself? Who do I say I am? What scriptures do I write down for myself? What do I prophesy for myself?

I think people underestimate the power they have. Words are so powerful. Do you say you are blessed? Do you write that you are highly favoured? Do you speak love into your life? Our self-talk shapes our self-image and influences our subconscious mind. What we repeatedly say to ourselves becomes our internal narrative, impacting our thoughts, behaviors, and ultimately, our reality. So prophesy. Write scriptures in the form of affirmations for yourself. Tell the universe who you are and watch yourself become it.

Prophecy could also look like picturing yourself in certain places and situations. Have you ever experienced a strange feeling of déjà vu, where something happening in the present feels oddly familiar? This phenomenon is linked to the concept of prophecy, the idea that our thoughts and words hold immense power in shaping our reality. It’s almost like the more you think about something, the more you will it into existence. And it is a great way to passively achieve your goals. Picture yourself there already doing the things you want to do or living where you want to live. I read somewhere that your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. By vividly picturing yourself achieving your goals or living your ideal life, you bridge the gap between desire and reality.

 So if you keep imagining everything you want to achieve, you give yourself no other choice but to achieve those things. You prime your mind for success. You reprogram your mind into acting from a place of abundance.

This concept also attracts the things you want into your life. It attracts opportunities and people you wouldn’t have met otherwise. Read up on the ‘Law of Attraction’ to better understand this. Here’s a link to help jumpstart your research, . If you keep repeating to yourself that you are a successful doctor, content creator, or artist…if you keep prophesying over yourself that you are blessed, loved, and at peace…you put things on your radar that weren’t there before. In one of her interviews, Viola Davis talks about how she met her husband by telling God exactly what she wanted. The thing about manifestation is you don’t will things into existence. Everything you want already exists. You just affirm that it is yours and it is given to you. That’s why I will never forget when that priest said, ‘Whenever you speak, you already are.’

As much as possible try to start this practice in your life. Get a journal and come up with 10 daily affirmations that you will write down every day. I like to write down my affirmations in the morning when I wake up to set the tone for the day. Write down your affirmations in the present tense…I am, I achieve, I feel…In that same journal at night, write down 8 things you are grateful for. For gratitude affirmations, I like writing down four things I am grateful for that are happening in the present. For example; ‘I am grateful for my family’, ‘I am grateful for my relationships’, and others depending on the day. For the other four, I like writing down things I am grateful for in advance; ‘I am grateful that I run a successful blog’, ‘I am grateful that my articles have an impact on a lot of young people’. Being grateful for things in advance will change the way you look at things. It will change the things that happen to you. Remember, whenever you speak, you already are.

Embrace gratitude, craft powerful affirmations and visualize your success. Remember: Your words are powerful. By consciously choosing your thoughts and embracing practices like affirmations, and visualization, you can transform your self-talk and step into the reality you desire.

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