Mental Health Resources 101

And some days, she does nothing at all, but lay beneath a loving sky and let the world hold her.’                 ~Even Here, I Will Rise.

Life throws curveballs. Sometimes, we all need a little extra support to navigate the rough patches and rediscover our inner strength. Whether you’re facing daily stress, anxiety, or a deeper emotional struggle, there are fantastic resources available to help you feel better. Today, I’m thrilled to share two websites that have become my go-to allies in promoting mental well-being: and

Let’s be honest, finding a therapist can be daunting. Scheduling appointments, dealing with insurance, and worrying about stigma – it’s enough to deter anyone. It’s always easier to find online resources that can help you through your journey. And this is especially if therapy isn’t as accessible to you for a number of reasons. cuts through the hassle, offering confidential, convenient therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home. Their platform connects you with licensed, experienced therapists who specialize in a wide range of mental health concerns. I’ll give you a run-down of what resources they offer:

  • Personalized quiz to match you to the right therapist fit for your needs.
  • Sections to help better inform you on what you’re going through. These eight interactive sections can either be video, audio or text based on your preference.
  • Unlimited messaging with your assigned therapists and quick responses to ensure you feel supported throughout your journey.
  • Worksheets where you answer questions to better tailor your experience with your therapist. These worksheets help you better your mental health step-by-step through valuable hands-on tools and tips daily.
  • Interactive live 45-minute sessions with your therapist. The live session can be video, audio or text based on your preference.
  • Couples therapy to help work through any issues and rebuild your relationship both individually and as a couple.
  • Yoga and meditation sessions, an online journal to view your progress, activity plans and so much more.

I love everything they offer. Their therapists are so hands-on and the whole experience makes you feel valued and supported through your journey. Plus, get a 20% OFF discount with the code THERAPY20 by clicking the link

But what if therapy isn’t quite what you’re looking for? What if you’re already done with your healing journey and now you’re looking for resources to elevate your life? I’ve got you! takes a different approach, offering a treasure trove of self-improvement tools designed to empower you to take charge of your mental well-being. They offer compelling courses and articles written by specialists in their respective fields. For all my manifestation guys and girls, these programs will be perfect for you:

  • Law of Attraction Origins with Katherine Hurst. Origins provides the process to find your Intention Point by leading you through the 4 main stages of letting go, identifying goals, fueling goals, and entering your desired state.
  • Wealth Beyond Reason with Bob Doyle. It is a comprehensive program that guides members through the proven, reliable and repeatable steps for utilizing the Law of Attraction to create extraordinary results in all aspects of life.
  • The Secret Mirror by Joe Vitale is based on scientific techniques that are proven to help bring to the surface and identify personal struggles – including limiting beliefs, success blocks, counter intentions, and self-sabotaging actions. What better way to move forward than to look inward?

Both and go beyond just offering resources. They create a supportive environment where you can feel heard and understood. Here’s what truly sets them apart:

  • Focus on results: They prioritize your well-being by offering solutions tailored to your specific needs.
  • Expert guidance: Whether you choose therapy or self-improvement tools, you’re guided by experienced professionals.
  • Accessibility: Both platforms are incredibly user-friendly, making getting the help you deserve easier than ever.

Investing in your mental health is an investment in yourself, your relationships, and your overall happiness. Don’t wait – take the first step today!

Here’s what you can do:

-Visit Get matched with a therapist who’s the perfect fit (and don’t forget to use my affiliate link for a special discount!). 20% OFF discount with the code THERAPY20.

-Explore Discover the perfect program for you and learn how to elevate your life and unlock your potential.

Remember, you are not alone. With the right tools and support, you can overcome any mental health challenge and reclaim the vibrant life you deserve.

P.S. Have you found other helpful mental health resources online? Share them in the comments below – let’s build a supportive community where everyone thrives!

Important Note: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, please reach out to a qualified professional. This article also contains affiliate links.

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