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Meet the Founder

Hey there! I’m Lisa, the founder of I created this space because i wanted to connect to other young people. There’s so many expectations and opinions about people in their twenties. Everybody talks about how this is a defining decade, like if you miss your chance, you don’t get a do-over. And I think there’s so much pressure to be something in your twenties that it’s almost performative. But no one ever really talks about how overwhelming it can be, how lonely and sometimes scary it can become. No one talks about the anxiety and the losing friends and the deciding your career. No one tells you how to navigate all of it. This blog is not a ‘How to’ blog. It’s not an ultimate guide to figuring out your twenties. Instead, I thought I’d create a community where we can relate to one another’s lives. A place where we can share experiences and advice and tips on how to manage mental health, self-care, spirituality, friendships and careers while also sharing our thoughts on art, books, music and culture. Join us, engage in conversations, learn, teach maybe, and be a part of our community.

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